Check out the 3 links below.... for the Archives of Previous Episodes to see all the previous episodes of Work That Flight Ring... for my main comic strip Kyle's Bed & Breakfast ....and for The Art of Greg Fox page, which features galleries of my art for sale as well as info on getting commissioned work done! Also, please like the Work That Flight Ring Facebook Page so you can be kept up to date when new episodes & other fun things are posted here!
really cute -
OK, they are so gay, Nura aside.
This totally made me smile! Cosmic Boy is my favorite Legionnaire and Star Boy (where's the bearded face?) was always so freaking HOT!
Long Live the Legion!
GOD! How I love your drawings, comedy and the Legion I grew up with. Timber Wolf was my favorite, I had the hots for Ultra Boy and my husband resembles Thom/Star Boy with & without the beard. Thank you for bringing back happy memories and creating new ones. Long Live the Legion!
I love this strip! This era of the Legion was the BEST! Not like what DC is putting out now. So sad that such a great team has been bastardized the way it has been.
I like how Thom had his bribe all ready to go the minute he got other reason for him to notice the price of quantum hair-removal treatments! And while Cos' hairless chest is well-documented, I still find it odd... Night Girl always struck me as being cool with a furry man.
I was wondering why this comic strip suddenly disappeared from the B 'n' B runs. I'd been missing months of reading these episodes. It's also interesting to observe that most of the dark-haired male characters resemble Price in one form or another, particularly Rokk-O and Chemical King
@ForPrice: to answer your question, when I first started posting these episodes, there was no "Work That Flight Ring" website yet created, so I posted them on my "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast" website. After about 3 or 4 episodes, I realized they needed their own website, so here it is!
P.S. Yes, Cosmic Boy and Price certainly DO have more than a passing resemblance. In fact, Price dressed up as Cosmic Boy for the B&B Legion costume party!
I love these strips so much, and this one addressed an issue I've been thinking about ever seeing you do Rokk in that costume the first time. I was going to say how great it would be to see how he'd look if he let his body hair grow. That would be pretty damn hot...
Chest hair is an interesting subject. I remember in the early 70's when Batman began to show chest hair & nips (LOVE). I've always pictured Rokk, Jan, Gim as have no chest hair, while Ultra Boy & Timber Wolf having a good solid amount. Garth, Mon-El, Dirk & Thom having upper patches w/ goody trails. Anybody else have thoughts on their favorite Legionnaires?
Almost 3 years and no new Legion comic strip! Any special reason?
No ideas? No free time? Working in other projects?
I would like to see your version of some of the Legion villains, one of my favorite is Grimbor, although Lightning Lord and Universo are also top-level!
To address the most recent comment, (Anonymous on August 8, 2023): I would LOVE to be doing some new episodes of this strip, but I simply haven't had the time, due to my other comic strip, (Kyle's Bed & Breakfast), which is keeping me VERY busy! In addition to ongoing new Kyle's B&B episodes, I am also trying to complete the next Kyle's B&B book collection, which is due to be published in a few months from now, (if I ever get it done! LOL). Unfortunately, until that book is completed, and I also get some lead-time on producing new B&B episodes, there won't be any new Work That Flight Ring episodes.
The good news is, I have a bunch of new W.T.F.R. strips written... I just need to get the time to draw them. So, I do apologize for the delay, but hang in there... I have a whole bunch of ideas for some new stories in the coming months. (And I do have one with Grimbor, and also some other villains, too!). Stay tuned... and thank you!!!
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